Academic Calendar

About the Academic Calendar

The academic calendar is a guide to information about Vancouver Community College's (VCC) programs, courses, policies, and processes. The academic calendar is published annually by the Registrar's Office, and is in effect for the academic year of publication. An academic year is from September 1 to August 31.

The calendar is prepared on the basis of information available at the time of publication. Therefore, the details of the calendar may be subject to change without notice, and should be used for information purposes. Changes to the academic calendar that are made after its publication are published as addenda.

How to Use the Academic Calendar

The academic calendar provides information on the admissions requirements, courses, and graduation criteria for program completion. Students must generally follow the requirements in place at the time they started their program.

To view the most relevant program page, choose the appropriate academic calendar edition (e.g. choose the 2023-2024 edition for a program that started in September 2023, January 2024, or May 2024), select the applicable school or area, then click on the program name. You will find the program overview, admissions requirements, required courses, and assessment information.

To view individual course information, click on the course within the program page to see the course description and credits. For more detailed course information, choose Course Search from the calendar home page, then search for the course by keyword or subject area.

View the VCC 2023-2024 Academic Calendar PDF.