Visually Impaired Adult Prgm (VOVI)

VOVI 0100  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Intro to Assistive Technology  Total Hours: 96  
The purpose of this course is to introduce blind and visually impaired students to the range of adaptive technology available to them in their daily lives, at work or at school. The course will enable students to use adaptive classroom equipment and computers more effectively, and so, would be a useful first course for students planning to attend our other courses. Students will also learn enough about adaptive technology and available resources to enable them to make informed choices about what they need to make their lives easier.
Pre-requisite(s): Keyboarding speed of 15 wpm minimum or take Basic Keyboarding course concurrently  
VOVI 0711  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Braille 1 - Level 1  Total Hours: 96  
This course teaches students with a fundamental literacy level of Grade 4 and above how to read and write words containing the letters A through M of the alphabet using uncontracted braille code. Numbers are introduced with the goal of providing functional literacy skills in braille.
Pre-requisite(s): Fundamental literacy skills (reading & writing) at Level 4 or equivalent  
VOVI 0712  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Braille 1 - Level 2  Total Hours: 96  
This course teaches students with a fundamental literacy level of Grade 4 and above how to read and write words containing all the letters of the alphabet using uncontracted braille code. Punctuation and formatting symbols are introduced with the goal of providing functional literacy skills in braille.
Pre-requisite(s): VOVI 0711 and fundamental literacy skills (reading & writing) at Level 4 or equivalent  
VOVI 0721  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Braille 2 - Level 1  Total Hours: 96  
This course teaches students with a fundamental literacy level of Grade 4 and above how to read and write using uncontracted braille code: alphabetic whole words, short form words from pages 1-66 of Volume 4 of Celebrating Braille - A Canadian Approach.
Pre-requisite(s): VOVI 0712 or the ability to read and write one page of text into uncontracted braille  
VOVI 0722  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Braille 2 - Level 2  Total Hours: 96  
This course teaches students with a fundamental literacy level of Grade 4 and above how to read and write using uncontracted braille code: lower signs, symbols, website, email and computer-based braille codes using pages 1-54 of Volume 5 of Celebrating Braille - A Canadian Approach.
Pre-requisite(s): VOVI 0721 or the ability to read and write uncontracted braille, alphabetic word sign, short form words, and some basic contractions  
VOVI 0730  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Basic Keyboarding  Total Hours: 96  
This course teaches beginning level keyboarding to blind and vision-impaired students on computers with adaptive speech and/or magnification software. Students will use specially adapted software to learn to touch type.
VOVI 0731  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Basic Editing  Total Hours: 96  
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who are blind or visually impaired who have no computing experience and limited language or literacy skills. Students learn skills that provide them with a strong foundation for basic computer use. Using basic Job Access With Speech (JAWS) commands, students access screen information, manage files and perform basic word processing tasks. This course prepares students for Basic Introduction to Windows (VOVI 0735).
VOVI 0732  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Internet and Email Basics  Total Hours: 96  
In this course students use adaptive technology to access information on the internet and communicate using email. This course prepares students for COMP 0734 Introduction to the Internet.
VOVI 0733  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Moodle and Social Networking  Total Hours: 96  
This course introduces students to online learning and social netwoking environments using applications such as Moodle and Facebook. Students learn to configure screen readers/screen magnifiers, navigate webpages and access files. Students explore Moodle features such as discussion forums, journals quizzes and assignments. Students also create their own accounts, learn about privacy settings and how to manage and use features of their own social networking sites.
VOVI 0810  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Basic Power Point  Total Hours: 96  
This course teaches introductory Microsoft PowerPoint features including designing and delivering presentations with adaptive speech and/or magnification software, such as JAWS and ZoomText.
VOVI 0820  Upgrading Credits: 0  
Intro to Database Management  Total Hours: 96  
This course introduces students to the MS Access database program using adapted speech or screen magnification software. (JAWS and/or ZoomText)
VOVI 0830  Upgrading Credits: 0  
English 1  Total Hours: 96  
This course is designed to help students develop basic reading and writing skills to prepare for additional English courses. Students read simple stories, locate details in a story and write short phrases and personal information. This course is offered in Braille or large print.
VOVI 0840  Upgrading Credits: 0  
iOS for the Visually Impaired  Total Hours: 96  
This course introduces students to Apple's VoiceOver screen reader to access and use their iOS devices. This course is designed to meet the needs of students who are blind or visually impaired and have limited or no experience using iOS devices with the VoiceOver screen reader, such as iPads and iPhones.