Trades Instructor (TRAI)
TRAI 3001 Credits: 1
ITA Fundamentals Total Hours: 15
The Industry Training Authority (ITA) Fundamentals course provides an overview of the ITA’s methodologies and documents and the role of the ITA. The focus of the course will be on how apprenticeship training is created, maintained and supported. This overview will provide greater insight into the trainers role in implementing ITA training material.
Prior Learning Assessment is available.
TRAI 3002 Credits: 2
Trades Specific Facilitating Total Hours: 30
The Trades Specific Facilitating Learning course provides participants with the opportunity to prepare, deliver and debrief three mini-lessons that reflect vocational training best practices. Participants are encouraged to select one lesson from each of the three domains of learning (cognitive, affective, psychomotor). They are expected to use a variety of techniques while they present content and processes in a clear, enthusiastic and interactive manner. They will provide useful feedback to other course participants.
Prior Learning Assessment is available.
TRAI 3003 Credits: 2
Trades Specific Assess Eval Total Hours: 30
The Trades Specific Assessment and Evaluation course examines the practices that support the assessment and evaluation strategies used in vocational training settings and organizations. The course enables the participants to plan, construct and use valid and reliable assessment instruments that are appropriate to a vocational training context. The course provides the knowledge and skills to design and implement a comprehensive strategy for obtaining information that is used to inform learners of their progress both formally and informally and guide them to successful completion.
Prior Learning Assessment is available.
TRAI 3004 Credits: 2
Trades Student Engagement Total Hours: 30
The Trades Specific Student Engagement Techniques course provides participants with the opportunity to integrate instructional strategies and techniques that reflect vocational contexts. Participants will investigate and apply motivational strategies in order to better engage their students in both the theoretical and practical components. Managing students and handling difficult situations in a respectful, ethical and professional manner will be addressed. Participants will use techniques and frameworks to help their students learn how to learn, think critically, and self-regulate.
Prior Learning Assessment is available.