Applied Leadership and Business Management Certificate


Program Requirements

Core Courses (9 credits)
LEAD 1201Intro to Business Management1.5
LEAD 1202The Fundamentals of Leadership1.5
LEAD 1203Sales/Marketing Fundamental1.5
LEAD 1204Foundations of HR Mgmt1.5
LEAD 1205Ethics in Business1.5
LEAD 1206Finance/Accounting Fundamental1.5
Electives (9 credits)9
Total Credits18

Electives - Students may take any of the following courses. Students who successfully complete all courses in a specialized area will receive an Award of Achievement in that specialization. Students may complete any number of Awards of Achievement but only require all core courses and nine (9) credits in electives to complete the Applied Leadership and Business Management Certificate. 

Business Communication and Project Management Electives:
LEAD 1207Interpersonal Communication1.5
LEAD 1208Communicating in the Workplace1.5
LEAD 1209Project & Change Management1.5
Leadership Skills Electives:
LEAD 1210Reflective Leadership1
LEAD 1211Public Speaking & Narratives1
LEAD 1212Workplace Cult. & Org. Success1
LEAD 1216Lead Conflict to Collaboration1.0
Coaching Skills Electives:
LEAD 1213Essential Coaching Skills Lead1.0
LEAD 1214Leadership Coach Next Level1.0
LEAD 1215Coach Your Team for High Perf1.0
Small Business Administration Electives:
SMBU 1201Entrepreneurship for Small Bus1.0
SMBU 1203Operations for Small Business1.0
BUSI 1334Foundations of Business3
Ecommerce Electives:
ECOM 1001Developing Ecommerce1
ECOM 1002Maintaining Ecommerce1.5
ECOM 1003Growing Ecommerce2

Evaluation of Student Learning

Evaluation will focus on assessments directly related to an individual student’s context and goals.

Students must have a minimum GPA of 'C' (2.00) in order to graduate.

To achieve the Applied Leadership and Business Management Certificate, students must successfully complete all of the six core courses listed below (total 9 credits) and must complete 9 credits of elective courses for a total of 18 credits.

Students may also complete one or more Awards of Achievement in a number of specialization areas as described below: 

  • To achieve an Award of Achievement in Business Communication and Project Management, students must complete the following courses: Interpersonal Communication & Relationships, Communication in the Workplace, and Project and Change Management.
  • To achieve an Award of Achievement in Leadership Skills, students must complete the following courses: Reflective Leadership, Public Speaking and Strategic Narratives for Leaders, Workplace Culture and Organizational Success, and Leading from Conflict to Collaboration.
  • To achieve an Award of Achievement in Coaching Skills, students must complete the following courses: Essential Coaching Skills for Leaders, Taking Your Leadership Coaching to the Next Level, and Coaching Your Team for High Performance.
  • To achieve an Award of Achievement in Small Business Administration, students must complete the following courses: Entrepreneurship for Small Business, Operations for Small Business, and Foundations of Business.
  • To achieve an Award of Achievement in Ecommerce, students must complete the following courses: Developing Ecommerce, Maintaining Ecommerce, and Growing Ecommerce.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Prior learning assessment and recognition is not available for this program.

Transcript of Achievement

The evaluation of learning outcomes for each student is prepared by the instructor and reported to the Student Records Department at the completion of semesters.

The transcript typically shows a letter grade for each course. The grade point equivalent for a course is obtained from letter grades as follows:

Grading Standard

Grade Percentage Description Grade Point Equivalency
A+ 96-100 4.33
A 91-95 4.00
A- 86-90 3.67
B+ 81-85 3.33
B 76-80 3.00
B- 71-75 2.67
C+ 66-70 2.33
C 61-65 2.00
C- 56-60 1.67
D 50-55 1.00
F 0-49 Failing Grade 0.00
S 70 or greater Satisfactory – student has met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
U Unsatisfactory – student has not met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
I Incomplete N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
W Withdrawal N/A
Course Standings
R Audit. No Credits N/A
EX Exempt. Credit Granted N/A
TC Transfer Credit N/A

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  1. The course grade points shall be calculated as the product of the course credit value and the grade value.

  2. The GPA shall be calculated by dividing the total number of achieved course grade points by the total number of assigned course credit values. This cumulative GPA shall be determined and stated on the Transcript at the end of each Program level or semester.

  3. Grades shall be assigned to repeated courses in the same manner as courses taken only once. For the purpose of GPA calculation of grades for repeated courses, they will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.