Bachelor of Hospitality Management (Executive Cohort)

Admission Requirements

 Admission options include:

1. Standard Admission: An earned two-year diploma of at least 60-credits in hospitality management, business or a related field of study; with a cumulative grade point average of C or higher (2.0), according to the current VCC-HOSP grade scale.


2. Flexible Admission: Upon reviewing an applicant’s dossier, a review committee may recommend admission. Applicants with a grade point average lower than a C (2.0) are welcome to apply to the BHM Executive Cohort Program but must have Department Head approval prior to registration.

         Proof of work experience:

An applicant must provide proof of seven to ten years of corporate managerial and/or entrepreneurial experience and accomplishments in hospitality managementand/or business and/or a related field of work. Professional experience should contain an array of experience from various content clusters – see content clusters on the following page.

Content Clusters

Financial & Service Mgt.

  • Financial Management
  • Statistical Decision Making
  • Services Marketing

Leadership & Strategy

  • Leadership in Organizations
  • Strategic Hospitality Management

Current Issues & Operations

  • Multiculturalism
  • Sustainability in Business
  • Operations Management

Asset and Innovation Mgt.

  • Decision Making Analysis
  • Capital and Asset Mgt.
  • New Media in Hospitality

Business & Project Mgt.

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Revenue & Analysis
  • Independent Study Project

Canadian Context

  • Contemporary Cdn Business
  • Canadian Labour Relations

Program Requirements

HOSP 3820Hospitality Financial Manageme3
HOSP 3910Statistical Decision Making3
HOSP 3670Service Marketing3
HOSP 3360Decision Making Analysis3
HOSP 3860Capital and Asset Management3
HOSP 4620New Media in Hospitality3
HOSP 4460Leadership in Organizations3
HOSP 4320Strategic Hospitality Manageme3
HOSP 4610Entrepreneurship3
HOSP 4375Hospitality Revenue & Analysis3
HOSP 4365Independent Study Project15
GNED 3210Multiculturalism in Business3
GNED 4260Sustainability in Business3
HOSP 3320Operations Management3
HOSP 3310Contemporary Canadian Business3
HOSP 3460Canadian Labour Relations3
Total Credits60

Evaluation of Student Learning

Instructors evaluate student learning in a variety of ways including midterm and final examinations, research papers, oral presentations, individual and group projects, quizzes, homework assignments, case studies, and simulations. The Independent Study course combines modern case analysis and community service to assess students' integration of the knowledge and skills acquired during the program.
Students must receive a minimum cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) upon completion of the required courses to successfully graduate, and a minimum cumulative grade point overage of C- (1.67) in each term to advance into subsequent courses/terms in the program.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

VCC recognizes Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) as one of multiple pathways for students to complete their individual course of study. As per provincial and institutional practice, students can PLAR up to 30.0 credits. Please note: PLAR is distinguished from transfer credit and flexible admission.

The BHM Executive Cohort Department, in collaboration with the VCC Office of the Registrar, may grant credit for learning acquired through experience and/or non-formal education and training. BHM Executive Cohort students who request PLAR must:

  1. Receive an 80% pass on a standardized test in the subject matter; OR
  2. Submit a project based on pre-determined criteria; OR
  3. Present a portfolio reflecting sufficient knowledge of course content learning outcomes of the PLAR requested course.

Methods 2 & 3 include a presentation before a BHM Executive Cohort faculty assessment panel, inclusive of the Department Head and the PLAR requested course instructor, as well as an addition subject matter expert. The Department Head, in collaboration with the PLAR requested course instructor, will determine the manner of assessment.

 If PLAR is successful, student transcripts will reflect a grade of “S” (satisfactorily completed). “S”   grades are not included in GPA calculations.

   PLAR fees for every course apply without exception.

   NOTE: Students cannot PLAR HOSP 4365 Independent Study Project

Transcript of Achievement

All evaluations at completion of terms are reported to the Student Records Department. The transcript is organized to show a letter grade for each course. The grade point equivalent for a course is obtained from the letter grades as follows:

Grading Standard

Grade Percentage Description Grade Point Equivalency
A+ 96-100 4.33
A 91-95 4.00
A- 86-90 3.67
B+ 81-85 3.33
B 76-80 3.00
B- 71-75 2.67
C+ 66-70 2.33
C 61-65 2.00
C- 56-60 1.67
D 50-55 Minimum Pass. May not proceed to next level. 1.00
F 0-49 Failing Grade 0.00
S 70 or greater Satisfactory. In accordance with departmental evaluation procedures. N/A
U Unsatisfactory. In accordance with departmental evaluation procedures. N/A
I Incomplete N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
W Withdrawal N/A
Course Standings
R Audit. No Credits N/A
EX Exempt. Credit Granted N/A
TC Transfer Credit N/A

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  1. The course grade points shall be calculated as the product of the course credit value and the grade value.

  2. The GPA shall be calculated by dividing the total number of achieved course grade points by the total number of assigned course credit values. This cumulative GPA shall be determined and stated on the Transcript at the end of each Program level or semester.

  3. Grades shall be assigned to repeated courses in the same manner as courses taken only once. For the purpose of GPA calculation of grades for repeated courses, they will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.