Medical Office Assistant Certificate

Admission Requirements

  • Grade 12 graduation, or equivalent 
  • English Language Proficiency as demonstrated by one of the following:
    • English 12 with a minimum 'C+' grade, or equivalent or
    • English Language Proficiency at an English 12 'C+' level 
  • A tested keyboarding speed of a minimum of 25 gross words per minute on a 5-minute test with a maximum of 5 errors using the touch-typing method (using the appropriate fingers for each key on the keyboard and not looking at your fingers as you type).

Some practicum hosts will require their practicum students to have the following (and it is strongly recommended that all students have the following, for their own protection and the protection of patients):

  • Negative TB skin test, or if the skin test is positive, then proof of a negative TB chest X-ray
  • An immunization record showing current vaccinations for diphtheria/tetanus, polio, measles/mumps/rubella, hepatitis B, chicken pox, and pertussis
  • An immunization record showing a current influenza vaccination
  • A properly fitted respiratory mask with a N95 rating, with a valid certificate not more than one year old
  • Criminal Record Check (CRC): Students in this program may be required to complete a CRC prior to their practicum placement. The CRC must be completed according to VCC's Criminal Record Check instructions. Students whose CRC results indicate they pose a risk to vulnerable populations will not be able to complete the requirements of the program (e.g. practicums) or graduate.

Program Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
Term OneCredits
MEDC 1102 Medical Adm Procedures 2
MEDC 1135 Medical Terminology for MOA 1 2.5
MEDC 1121 Medical Speed & Accuracy 1 2
MEDC 1136 Medical Terminology for MOA 2 2.5
MEDC 1132 Human Relation Skills 1
MEDC 1140 E-Communications Management 2
Term Two
MEDC 1236 Med Speed & Accuracy for MOA 2 2
MEDC 1250 Medical Documentation 2
MEDC 1201 Medical Transcription for MOA 2
MEDC 1210 Medical Billing 1
MEDC 1259 Clinical Procedures 2
MEDC 1260 Practicum 3
 Total Credits24

This guide is intended as a general guideline only. The college reserves the right to make changes as appropriate.

Evaluation of Student Learning

Student learning is assessed through written exams, quizzes, group work, assignments and completion of ajournal. Practicum performance is assessed by feedback from practicum staff and instructor observations.

Upon successful completion of the program, if students receive a GPA of 2.33 or higher ('C+'), students will receive a VCC certificate for Medical Office Assistant.

Adult learners have a responsibility to prepare themselves to meet the program goals. To achieve the highest level of success, students are required to attend all classes and participate in all course activities.

Students with more than three unexcused absences in any course may be required to withdraw. For more details refer to the Student Manual available in the Office, Legal and Medical Administration Department and VCC policyD.4.6.

Students must pass the first level of each course in order to advance to the next level. Students must also pass all Term 1 courses in order to proceed to Term 2. In addition, students must pass each Term 2 course (apart from the Practicum course) in order to take the Practicum course.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Available for the following courses:

  • MEDC 1121 Medical Speed & Accuracy 1
  • MEDC 1236 Med Speed & Accuracy for MOA 2

See course outlines for more information.

Transcript of Achievement

The evaluation of learning outcomes for each student is prepared by the instructor and reported to Student Records at the completion of semesters.

The transcript typically shows a letter grade for each course with a S or U for the Practicum experience. The grade point equivalent for a course is obtained from letter grades as follows:

Grading Standard

Grade Percentage Description Grade Point Equivalency
A+ 96-100 4.33
A 91-95 4.00
A- 86-90 3.67
B+ 81-85 3.33
B 76-80 3.00
B- 71-75 2.67
C+ 66-70 2.33
C 61-65 2.00
C- 56-60 1.67
D 50-55 1.00
F 0-49 Failing Grade 0.00
S 70 or greater Satisfactory – student has met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
U Unsatisfactory – student has not met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
I Incomplete N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
W Withdrawal N/A
Course Standings
R Audit. No Credit N/A
EX Exempt. Credit Granted N/A
TC Transfer Credit N/A

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  1. The course grade points shall be calculated as the product of the course credit value and the grade value.
  2. The GPA shall be calculated by dividing the total number of achieved course grade points by the total number of assigned course credit values. This cumulative GPA shall be determined and stated on the Transcript at the end of each Program level or semester.
  3. Grades shall be assigned to repeated courses in the same manner as courses taken only once. For the purpose of GPA calculation of grades for repeated courses, they will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.