Jewellery Art & Design Diploma

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Jewellery Art and Design program is on a competitive selection basis. Applicants must have completed Grade 12 or acceptable equivalent. In addition, an interview will be arranged with the selection committee.

Candidates should bring to the interview:

  • Portfolio*
  • Resumé
  • Letter of Intent

A portfolio is a collection of images of showing artistic ability, technical aptitude and/or hand-eye coordination. It should be saved as a PDF and sent to the Department in advance of the interview. It should include 10-20 pieces, and could include examples of any of the following:

  • Drawing and Painting
  • Photography
  • Collage
  • Sculpture
  • Jewellery
  • Textile and fibre arts
  • Metal and/or wood work
  • Ceramics
  • Any other art or craft demonstrating creativity and/or manual dexterity

Portfolios will be judged on the degree to which they show creativity and/or hand-eye coordination.

The resumé should include previous education and work experience.

The letter of intent should outline why the applicant has chosen to apply for the program, and could also include career and/or artistic goals, and other areas of interest.

A major focus of the interview is on establishing the applicant’s ability to succeed in the program with consideration given to ability and willingness to accept and grow in a learning environment, ability to interact with others, commitment to the total program, attention span, and previous art/design related training and experience. Successfully chosen candidates may be offered seats to the program.

*The Department recognizes that not all applicants will have previous experience in art, craft, or design. Applicants who do not have a portfolio are asked to bring a collection of found images of jewellery, and be prepared to discuss what makes them examples of fine craftsmanship or effective design.

Program Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
Term OneCredits
JADE 1120 Metal Techniques 1 12
JADE 1121 Drawing 1 1.5
JADE 1122 History&Culture of Jewellery 1 1.5
Term Two
JADE 1123 Metal Techniques 2: Casting 6
JADE 1124 Gemstone Settings 1 3
JADE 1125 Design 1 1.5
JADE 1126 Practical Gemmology 1 2
JADE 1127 Year One Capstone Project 3
Term Three
JADE 1128 History&Culture of Jewellery 2 1.5
JADE 2220 Metal Techniques 3 6
JADE 2221 Gemstone Settings 2 3
JADE 2222 Drawing 2 1.5
JADE 2223 Practical Gemmology 2 2
JADE 2224 Digital Jewellery Design 1 1.5
Term Four
JADE 2225 Metal Techniques 4 6
JADE 2226 Gemstone Settings 3 3
JADE 2227 Design 2 1.5
JADE 2228 Digital Jewellery Design 2 1.5
JADE 2229 Business Practices 2.5
JADE 2230 Diploma Project 3
 Total Credits63.5

This guide is intended as a general guideline only. The college reserves the right to make changes as appropriate.

Evaluation of Student Learning

Student learning is evaluated in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, presentations, individual and group projects, exams, research, assignments, lab work and portfolios.  Students will also engage in peer- and self-assessment and reflective practice.

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C (61%) to successfully complete each course.

90% attendance is mandatory to successfully complete each course.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Prior learning assessment and recognition is not available for this program. 

Transcript of Achievement

The evaluation of learning outcomes for each student is prepared by the instructor and reported to the Student Records Department at the completion of semesters.

The transcript typically shows a letter grade for each course. The grade point equivalent for a course is obtained from letter grades as follows:

Grading Standard

Grade Percentage Description Grade Point Equivalency
A+ 96-100 4.33
A 91-95 4.00
A- 86-90 3.67
B+ 81-85 3.33
B 76-80 3.00
B- 71-75 2.67
C+ 66-70 2.33
C 61-65 2.00
C- 56-60 1.67
D 50-55 1.00
F 0-49 Failing Grade 0.00
S 70 or greater Satisfactory – student has met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
U Unsatisfactory – student has not met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
I Incomplete N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
W Withdrawal N/A
Course Standings
R Audit. No Credit N/A
EX Exempt. Credit Granted N/A
TC Transfer Credit N/A

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  1. The course grade points shall be calculated as the product of the course credit value and the grade value.
  2. The GPA shall be calculated by dividing the total number of achieved course grade points by the total number of assigned course credit values. This cumulative GPA shall be determined and stated on the Transcript at the end of each Program level or semester.
  3. Grades shall be assigned to repeated courses in the same manner as courses taken only once. For the purpose of GPA calculation of grades for repeated courses, they will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.