Dance Diploma

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Dance Diploma is a competitive selection process. Applicants must meet the following admission requirements:

  1. Grade 12 graduation or equivalent.
  2. English 10 or equivalent, or English Language proficiency at a grade 10 level.
  3. Be 18 years of age. In special circumstances, a department head may allow an applicant that is 17 years of age to be admitted to the program provided that the applicant has graduated from Grade 12.
  4. Pass an audition performed in front of the Admissions Committee chaired by the Artistic Director, Dance at Arts Umbrella.
  5. Complete a successful interview with the Artistic Director, Dance at Arts Umbrella.

All requests for transfer credits or course exemptions for all courses in the Dance Diploma program must be submitted with the application.

VCC and Arts Umbrella will hold a selected number of seats in the Dance Diploma program for graduating Arts Umbrella students of the preparatory program who will have the opportunity to qualify to directly access the Dance Diploma program.

Deadline for application April 15. All applications must be complete online. Auditions will take place in the first two weeks of May. Audition results will be available before the end of May.

Program Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
Term OneCredits
DNCE 1101 Ballet 1 4
DNCE 1102
Pointe Work 1 (Women)
or Men's Work 1
DNCE 1104 Jazz Technique 1 1
DNCE 1105 Modern Dance 1 1
DNCE 1106 Flamenco 1 1
DNCE 1107 Classical Variations 1 1
DNCE 1109 Health for Dancers 1
DNCE 1110 Intro to Improvisation 1 1
DNCE 1111 Rhythm Studies 1 2
Electives 2
Term Two
DNCE 1201 Ballet 2 4
DNCE 1202
Pointe Work 2 (Women)
or Men's Work 2
DNCE 1204 Jazz Technique 2 1
DNCE 1205 Modern Dance 2 1
DNCE 1206 Flamenco 2 1
DNCE 1207 Classical Variations 2 1
DNCE 1209 Body Conditioning 1
DNCE 1210 Intro to Improvisation 2 1
DNCE 1211 Rhythm Studies 2 2
Electives 2
Term Three
DNCE 2101 Ballet 3 4
DNCE 2102
Pointe Work 3 (Women)
or Men's Work 3
DNCE 2104 Jazz Technique 3 1
DNCE 2105 Modern Dance 3 1
DNCE 2106 Flamenco 3 1
DNCE 2111 Rhythm Studies 3 2
DNCE 2112 Pas de Deux 1 1
DNCE 2113 Dance Composition 1 1
DNCE 2114 Careers in Dance 1 1
Electives 2
Term Four
DNCE 2201 Ballet 4 4
DNCE 2202
Pointe Work 4 (Women)
or Men's Work 4
DNCE 2204 Jazz Technique 4 1
DNCE 2205 Modern Dance 4 1
DNCE 2206 Flamenco 4 1
DNCE 2211 Rhythm Studies 4 2
DNCE 2212 Pas de Deux 2 1
DNCE 2213 Dance Composition 2 1
DNCE 2214 Careers in Dance 2 1
DNCE 2215 The Arts in Context 2
 Total Credits60

This guide is intended as a general guideline only. The college reserves the right to make changes as appropriate.

Evaluation of Student Learning

Student progress will be monitored and evaluated by faculty through performance, technique, written examinations, and a demonstration of acquired skills in educational and performance technology. Each level will consist of practical, theoretical and assignment marks. A student is required to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or greater in each course to continue in a program. The GPA is computed at the end of each level of the program.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Prior learning assessment and recognition is not available for this program.

Transcript of Achievement

The evaluation of learning outcomes for each student is prepared by the instructor and reported to the Student Records Department at the completion of semesters.

The transcript typically shows a letter grade for each course. The grade point equivalent for a course is obtained from letter grades as follows:

Grading Standard

Grade Percentage Description Grade Point Equivalency
A+ 90-100 4.33
A 85-89 4.00
A- 80-84 3.67
B+ 76-79 3.33
B 72-75 3.00
B- 68-71 2.67
C+ 64-67 2.33
C 60-63 2.00
C- 55-59 1.67
D 50-54 Minimum Pass 1.00
F 0-49 Failing Grade 0.00
S 70 or greater Satisfactory – student has met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
U Unsatisfactory – student has not met and mastered a clearly defined body of skills and performances to required standards N/A
I Incomplete N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
W Withdrawal N/A
Course Standings
R Audit. No Credit N/A
EX Exempt. Credit Granted N/A
TC Transfer Credit N/A

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  1. The course grade points shall be calculated as the product of the course credit value and the grade value.
  2. The GPA shall be calculated by dividing the total number of achieved course grade points by the total number of assigned course credit values. This cumulative GPA shall be determined and stated on the Transcript at the end of each Program level or semester.
  3. Grades shall be assigned to repeated courses in the same manner as courses taken only once. For the purpose of GPA calculation of grades for repeated courses, they will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.